Schreibwaren, Kleidung, Gadgets: Wie viel wird es kosten, ein Kind für die Schule im Jahr 2024 auszustatten.

Schreibwaren, Kleidung, Gadgets: Wie viel wird es kosten, ein Kind für die Schule im Jahr 2024 auszustatten
Schreibwaren, Kleidung, Gadgets: Wie viel wird es kosten, ein Kind für die Schule im Jahr 2024 auszustatten

Ukraine bereitet sich auf das neue Schuljahr 2024/2025 vor, was zu einer erhöhten Nachfrage nach Schulmaterialien führt. Eine Analyse der Preise auf den größten Handelsplattformen des Landes zeigt, dass die Nachfrage bereits im Juli steigt und Mitte August ihren Höhepunkt erreicht.

According to The Page, the cost of school supplies is moderately increasing in 2024. Notebooks with 12-24 pages and a simple cover can be purchased from 5 hryvnia, while those with bright covers start from 10 hryvnia. A set of 20 notebooks costs on average from 100 to 300 hryvnia. School diaries vary in price from 24 to 150 hryvnia, orthopedic backpacks average 999 hryvnia, and old backpacks - 400 hryvnia. A bag for sports uniform costs 200 hryvnia for a new one or 140 hryvnia for a used one, and a lunchbox - around 179 hryvnia.

The cost of folders for notebooks is on average 60 hryvnia, pencil cases - 195 hryvnia, and sets of colored pencils - 108 hryvnia. The prices for sets of stationery goods have decreased by 22% compared to last year and average 210 hryvnia.

As for clothing, prices for school clothes have noticeably increased. New pants for boys cost around 300 hryvnia, shirts - 212 hryvnia, and embroidered shirts - 414 hryvnia. For girls, a new blouse costs 250 hryvnia, a skirt - 230 hryvnia, and a dress - 300 hryvnia. As for shoes, they have become 52% more expensive compared to last year. Sneakers average 530 hryvnia, and shoes - 350 hryvnia.

Smartphones and laptops are becoming increasingly popular for learning. The average price of a laptop on the secondary market is 6750 hryvnia, a smartphone - 4300 hryvnia, and a tablet - 2400 hryvnia. Budget smartphones can be purchased from 1200 hryvnia, and the most affordable laptops - from 2000 hryvnia.

The minimum set of school supplies without clothing and gadgets costs around 2000 hryvnia. However, if you add expenses for a wardrobe and electronic devices, the price can increase by several thousand hryvnia per child.

It should be noted that Ukraine will implement a new assessment system for students in grades 5-9 starting in 2024.

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